CH. Neut. CH. T . Aust. CH Soverenpark Blaze of Glory "Zeb"
Zeb was born on the 7th August 2014, he entered our lives in March 2015 at 7 months of age, he was only supposed to be a temporary member of the household while a new home was found for him but that didn't quite work out, so a co--ownership was undertaken with his breeder at Soverenpark. Zeb has sired 7 litters for Soverenpark. His1st litter was with Ch. Andesyn Little Bit Blonde from Eishund kennels, and he has sired 4 litters with Ch. Pandorras Skye Dragon (Imp NZ). The last 2 via frozen semen resulting in 10 puppies each. His latest litter for Soverenpark was with the lovely Soverenpark Chantilly Lace who resides in QLD. He has also sired a litter via AI with Forestpack Kennel's girl Ublong Jacinta.
Zeb is a large masculine boy, a quick learner (in most things) and entertaining to live with. He is a super smart boy wirh a great work ethic and if he was with a handler that had that same work ethic he would excel in dogsports. Zeb is calm but has a strong prey drive and loves to run, he also adores the water, any water from puddles, to hoses to the ocean.
Zeb gained his Aust. Champion title in 2016, he is not a fan of the show ring but is always obliging. He started Tracking in 2017 and gained his TD "Tracking Dog" title, in 2018 he gained his TDX "Tracking Dog Excellent title", and his Tracking Champion Title in 2019. He actually completed it twice as he had to repeat his tests 7 & 8 due to his human's paperwork error.
In 2018 I decided to show Zeb as a Neuter as he was tagging along to shows with Kite anyway, he attended 16 shows as a Neuter and accrued a 2 x Neuter in Show's, Runner- Up Neuter in Show, 6 Neuter in Group and 4 Runner-Up Neuter in Group, and has now gained his Neuter Champion title.
2018 Dogzonline Pointscore
* No. 1 White Swiss Shepherd Dog - Australia -Neuter Competition
* No. 1 White Swiss Shepherd Dog - Victoria- Neuter Competition
2019 Dogzonline Pointscore
* No. 1 White Swiss Shepherd Dog - Victoria- Neuter Competition