November 15th 2023 Litter - Trinny & Saxon - 1 Special Boy who is staying at Calinkapark
Calinkapark Saxinny Its a wrap "Becks"

Saxon was bred by our trusted and respected friends at Owecarose White Swiss Shepherds in South Australia for another of our mutual friends at Allenovah White Swiss shepherds where he was raised and resides. Saxon is an amazing boy both inside and out thanks to these two ladies. Ellie & Kelly share all the ethics and belief's that we do when it comes to creating the best WSS possible. I trust them implicitly with their breeding and raising of dogs and Saxon is the epitome of this culmination. He possesses the most fabulous temperament you could wish for. He also proved himself in the show ring from a very young age with some super wins. He is personality plus and a handsome boy. This was Saxons second litter, his first producing a litter of 8 pups. This is Trinny's first litter and she decided to only release 1 egg, we welcomed this singleton boy via c-section on the 15th of November. So the journey begins for this much anticipated Puppy.
Mo was imported from Vom Sutumer-Grund Kennels in Germany by Forestpack kennels here in Australia. We are very grateful to Haoke that we have been able to use Mo with Kite and believe they will produce some fabulous puppies. Mo has a wonderful disposition, he is a fun loving, playful boy with a very calm and laid back demeanor. He lives in a household that contains almost every type of animal you can think of and loves them all. He has produced so many lovely dogs for Forestpack that tick all the boxes for this breed and we hope to continue that.
October 2019 Kite & Kaiser LITTER 3 Boys & 6 Girls

CH. Soverenpark Charming Casanova "Kaiser" is the sire we chose for this litter, firstly we thank his owners for allowing us to use him. Kaiser is loved and lives with Josie and family and is co-owned with Soverenpark Kennels.
Kaiser was chosen as the Sire of Kites first litter for many reasons, he possesses all the traits that are important to us and the breed standard and has produced excellent offspring who we have followed from birth to maturity.
Kaiser is clear of all genetic diseases and has excellent Hip scores 0:1 and Elbows 0:0, his eyes tested Normal and he has full and correct dentition. Kaiser has been DNA profiled. He has a fabulous temperament, lovely conformation and movement, all of which are passed on to his progeny.
To ensure we give our puppies the best physical, mental and emotional start in life we implement a combination of the following:
Early Neurological stimulation
Puppy Culture methods
Avidog protocols
We will equip you with information and support to ensure you get the best companion possible.

Dogs Victoria Breeder Reg No: 3100017833 PER Source No: RB100039